Message From 
Our Founder

In 1983, with a baby on the way and a shingle on my door, I embarked on pursuing my life ambitions, goals and dreams. Like many new young entrepreneurs, there was a vision of how the profession of Public Accounting could be better, and a redefining of our true purpose. Our educational training focused on the historical aspect of documenting and reporting events and transactions that had already taken place. My view was that history was not worth investigating if that knowledge and information was not used to make a better future. This belief became foundational in our pursuit to help our clients utilize information in pursuit of their own individual, business, and family passions.

I wanted to create a culture, environment and philosophy that was enjoyed and embraced by all who work here—a home away from home with people who deeply cared about each other and about the lives of the people they were serving. A focus on having time with our own families and being able to engage in our communities. And a business environment that had a much larger emphasis on the quality of life with much less emphasis on just making more dollars. Our flexible schedules and family support started with our very first employee, long before it was fashionable. It is normal for our relationships with clients, business associates and staff to span decades.

The firm started at the same time that personal computers were being introduced to our lives. If you have been alive during these past few decades, you have undoubtedly been affected by the continuous development and rapidly changing technologies. We have always been ahead of our peer group in learning, implementing, and applying technology for greater productivity and efficiency. Many of our implementations were copied and used by clients and associates, including our paperless office, remote access, and multi-screen environment. Proper use of technologies has led to better information, and therefore the ability to make better decisions for ourselves and our clients.

Reflecting now, after nearly four decades of success, I am thankful for so much. My family quickly grew to 5 children, all of whom I am so proud of. They have, in turn, begun their own families and the grandchildren are fantastic! We have shared in life’s joys and challenges with our team, and in all the relationships developed over the years. We have enjoyed so many shared experiences that no amount of cash sitting in a bank could replace. And we now build for the new generation and the future!